M. Alamgir Hossain, Ph.D.



    Simon Fraser University: Sessional Instructor (Fall 2018, Fall 2019)


  • Fall 2019: MATH 154 D200 Calculus I for the Biological Sciences
  • Fall 2018: MACM 316 Computational Math Co-Instructor

    Simon Fraser University: Teaching Assistant (Sept 2015 - Fall 2020)


  • Spring 2020, Fall 2020: MACM 316 (Numerical Analysis I)
  • Spring 2018: MACM 316 (Numerical Analysis I)
  • Spring 2017: MATH 467 (Dynamical Systems)
  • Fall 2016: MATH 310 (Ordinary Differential Equations) and Applied Calculus Workshop
  • Fall 2015, Spring 2016, Fall 2017, Spring 2018: Calculus Workshop for the courses MATH 150: Calculus I with Review, MATH 151: Calculus I, MATH 152: Calculus II and MATH 251: Calculus III.

    Memorial University: Teaching Assistant (Jan 2013 - April 2015)


  • Lab TA of Math 3132: Numerical Analysis (I) as a teaching assistant. In this Lab, MATLAB is used to solve Numerical Analysis problems.
  • Worked in the Math help center at Winter 2014 and Winter 2015 for the courses MATH 2000: Calculus III and MATH 2050: Linear Algebra - I, respectively.
  • Teaching assistant of the following courses: MATH 1000: Calculus I, MATH 1001: Calculus II, MATH 2000: Calculus III, MATH 3202: Vector Calculus, MATH 1051: Finite Mathematics II

    Jagannath University: Lecturer and Assistant Professor (Oct 2009 - Dec 2012)


  • Taught the following courses at undergraduate level: MTHT 1102: Calculus I, MTHT 1202: Calculus II, MTHT 2102: Calculus III, MTHT 2202: Calculus IV, MTHT 1203: Analytic & Vector Geometry II, MTHT 2104: Ordinary Differential Equations I, MTHL 1204: Math Lab I (Used Mathematica), MTHR 2107: Introduction to Computer Language(Used C), MTHR 2108: Introduction to Computer Language Lab (Used C), MTHT 4104: Partial Differential Equations, MTHT 4206: Mathematical Modeling in Biology.
  • Developed course curriculum for graduate and undergraduate students of the Department of Mathematics, Jagannath University.
  • Taught the graduate course MTH 512: Numerical Methods for Differential Equations.

    United International University: Lecturer (Oct 2008 - Sept 2009)


  • Taught the following Mathematics courses at undergraduate level: MATH 003: Elementary Calculus, MATH 151: Differential and Integral Calculus, MATH 153: Complex Variables, MATH 203: Linear Algebra and Matrices, MATH 155: Ordinary and Partial Differential Equations, MATH 157: Fourier and Laplace Transforms, MATH 201: Coordinate Geometry and Vector Analysis.
  • Developed Calculus course materials for undergraduate students of School of Science & Engineering.